Hi there I'm Mac...
Hi, I’m Mac. I’m a photographer! (did I had problems to say it like that in the past…?)Born and raised in a little village near the great city Cologne. Photography is, beside my deep love for music, my main passion. Lost the touch to it for a few years while concentrating on other “life-issues” – Love brought it back to me in the year 2013.
Why Mac Dylan...
One of the most asked questions… Yes – Mac Dylan is my alias. Given from my american friends. They had some problems to pronounce it correctly. At least Mac sounds like my real “german” last-name.And Dylan… because Bob Dylan was one of my idols, maybe the first one that brought me to music and to my guitars.
What Photography is for me...
I really like architectural Photography. That’s where it all re-started for me. It is my photographical Homebase. I was so happy getting my first award at the FB-Platform Lensfolio Lensfolio . I watched it a so long time and admire all the great photographers that showed their artwork there. Took me so much time to post the first photo. I was so pleased the first time some told me that he like my style. I had an own style?! Wow! Haha!Nowadays i like to try out many other types of Photography. It’s cool to try what is possible with the technical part with my equipment. Think I have to testify that I’m possibly a sort of NERD.. 😉
My Love Uschi from Herzensmensch Fotografie brought me to Wedding-Photography and as i found a matter to People-Photography in the past, I’m getting more and more familiar with this great type of photography. I would say this is Masterclass-Photography because it contains so many…
What counts in live...
What else? Or… more important…
I’m so thankful to have my great family. Family is the most important “thing” in live for me. I love my two “little” girls (check out the people portfolio) – even if they are sometimes driving me nuts.
I’m deeply grateful that I found Love again after having a long and happy lifetime that sadly found it’s end a few years ago. As bonus got two great boys in that package. At least now got some testosteronic help…
I live for: Family, Love, Photography, Music, Fast Cars, Friends, beach – sundown – guitar – my girl!
Visit my profile for more works.
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